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                                                   How do you check for NaN?


Stefan Kroscen
2012-10-14 03:10:02

What is the proper way to check if the current bar is NaN?


2012-10-15 10:54:29


Best Answer
Let us say, you want to detect NaN bars for the variable "a".

b = (a != a);

2016-06-23 00:18:14


This doesn't seem to work - i'm passing atr(50) to a Function that expects a number and it flat-lines. So, i tried to plot this logic on a chart and it doesn't plot b for the first 50 bars because atr(50) doesn't exist.

b = iff((atr(50) != atr(50)),5,3*atr(50));
Plot(b, "ATR50: ", colorBlue,ChartBar);

How do i say either
- for first 50 bars, use a hard number (say 3), else use atr(50) OR
- for bars where atr(50) doesn't exist, use a hard number else use atr(50)

2016-06-23 14:45:02


I tried this below so i have a valid non-NaN value for b in the first 50 bars - however, the plot still shows NaN for first 50 bars and shows ATR(50) after. Why isn't the iff condition working?

b = iff(sum(1)<51,1, atr(50));
Plot(b, "ATR50: ", colorPurple,ChartBar);

2016-06-23 19:37:00


Use this instead:

b = iff(sum(1)<51,1, NaNtoZero(atr(50),0));
Plot(b, "ATR50: ", colorPurple,ChartBar);

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