Alexander Horn
2014-02-01 02:56:57
How can I visualize the data / vectors the Simulator created on a per bar base? Tried using Output() and OutputList() in the Simulator, but seems it does not work.
As example, say I'd like to vizualize for each bar / symbol the value of 'System', ''Rang' and 'buy' from below, how can I achieve this?
Frequency = FirstTradingDOM();
System = Ema(ref(close,1)*21,21);
Rang = comp(System,"rank");
buy = Frequency and (Rang <=assets);
Lines of thought:
1) Acessing variables through AMM to Global.Trace() there?
2) Passing vectors to custom formula to Global.Trace() there?
3) Any other way? using excel output?
Looked through the forum, but could not find any related post. A concrete example example would be helpful. Thks,