2019-07-27 16:03:04
i am using the following to plot all three on the chart and have found that they are at completely different levels as the same adx indicators on multiple other web sites and trading locations.
this is what i am using for this.
varAdx = adx(20);
varAdPlus = Plus_Di(20);
varAdMinus = Minus_Di(20);
Plot(varAdx, "ADX", colorBlack, chartline, StyleOwnScale);
Plot(varAdPlus, "DI+", colorGreen, chartline, StyleOwnScale);
Plot(varAdMinus, "DI-", colorRed, chartline, StyleOwnScale);
can someone shed some light on this?!? i had started using this indicator in my system with back testing and noticed when i went to apply it they did not match my trading platform.