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                                                   Ratio Spread and C#


allan nathan
2012-05-07 10:54:59

Hi,I have no experience coding,but wanted to try creating a custom function using C#.The formula I was trying to create is the formula RatioSpread,which is

symbol1 = "spy";
op1 = close / GetSeries(symbol1, Close);

I tried

VectorD close = cFunctions.Close;
VectorD symbol1= TA."spy";
VectorD RS=TA.close/getseries(symbol1,close);

It doesnt work and I am stumped.I still dont quite understand what the purpose of "Formulas" are vs Functions.Other than plotting a "Formula" what can you
do with it???Can you reference it in a line of code?


2012-05-07 12:58:53


Best Answer
"Formulas" are implemented in QuantShare language. They can be used in charts, screens, composites, trading systems...

"Functions" are implemented in C# and they can be used in "Formulas". This tool allows you to implement complex code so that you can use it later in a formula with a simple function call.

Here is the correct implementation of the RatioSpread:

VectorD close = cFunctions.Close;
string symbol1 = "spy";
VectorD symbol1Data = cFunctions.GetTimeframeData(symbol1, cFunctions.Timeframe, "close").ToVectorD();
VectorD RS= close / symbol1Data;

allan nathan
2012-05-07 14:29:11


Thanks for the code.It appears that C3 is still beyond my caoabilities

I am still confused with Formula and implementing them
I understand that one codes with QS language in Formulas.That is no problem,and I have created many "formulas".What I dont understamd is how
they are implemented in trading systems,screens and I assume watchlists.

In the example above,I have a formula named "Ratiospread".I use it in Charting all the time.

symbol1 = "spy";
op1 = close / GetSeries(symbol1, Close);

If I am running a very simple dynamic watchlist and I want to add a column or filter,can I simply type in "Ratiospread"??

I have created watchlists with Relative strength,but I had to type in the above rules.I cant get it too function by simply typing in "ratiospread".

It appears that I should be able to according to what you wrote.How could I do that?

Thank you,


allan nathan
2012-05-07 16:33:26


I should have been more specific.If I have a "formula" "RatioSpread",and I create a dynamic watchlist,can I simply add a column


I gave tried and it does not work.

2012-05-08 05:27:16


No, you cannot do that.

You should type the formula again or use the "Load Formula" option to load the formula from a file. (Click on the button above the formula control next to "Switch to ...").

If you want to use a function like "ratiospread", then you should create a custom function and use the code I have sent you above.

After that, you can type:
addcolumn("ratiospread",ratiospread()); // Do not forget the parentheses after typing the function name

allan nathan
2012-05-08 10:30:39


I finally see what you are referring to!!!
The button to Load a Formula is exactly what I was looking for,but there is one problem.

Currently,when I select "Load File",a pop up box comes up asking if "Are you sure you want to replace the current formula?"

It appears one can not load a formula without deleting all other code.That defeats the purpose of being able to load a formula.

Can you please give us the option to load as many formulas as we like without deleting all previous formulas/rules??



2012-05-08 10:43:24


Ok. It will be done in the next release.

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