2018-11-04 11:22:43
I've created a database to add a single field (Earning Date) for 1000 stocks - in a year, this database will have only 4 entries (the 4 earning dates).
Would like to use this database to report the Price before and on Earning day and the Earning day return in a screener.
1) How do i use ASCII Import (or any other mechanism) to upload this field for 1000 stocks? The Importer expects 1 file for each symbol.
(Note, I tried using Earnings_cal database and the Historical Earnings Downloader but they have 2 issues -
a) they don't report every earning date for these 1000 stocks
b) The Time field is not standard (e.g. 3:47am EST, Before Market Open, 12 noon, After Market Close, 12:01pm EST), and difficult to parse in a regex string.
earnings_var = GetDataString('earnings_cal', 'etime', 'regex string pattern');
2) If there is no solution to (1), please advise a regex pattern with which i can get (b) above working.