Dave W.
2015-01-09 13:07:21
Hi. As I was trying to figure out why the Trend Strength Index indicator was not working for me, I noticed this line in the function:
result = cFunctions.CompileFormula("tsi = sma(sma(Absolute(close - ref(close, -10) / atr(10)),10), 100);").GetVectorDouble("tsi");
If I'm reading this right, the "ref(close, -10)" refers to the future, true? If so, I think this is an error, correct?
I'm recoding the Trend Strength Index using the TA library functions. Does this look right to you? If so, I'll post it to the sharing server.
cFunctions.SetForwardAndBackwardBars(int.MaxValue, 0);
VectorD Ratio = 0; // Initialize the variable
VectorD TrendStrengthIndex = 0; // Initialized the variable
VectorD close = cFunctions.Close;
Ratio = TA.Absolute( (close - TA.Ref(close, ShortLookback) ) ) / TA.Atr( ShortLookback );
TrendStrengthIndex = TA.Avg( TA.Avg(Ratio,ShortLookback), LongLookback);
result = TrendStrengthIndex;