Salvatore Gaziano
2016-10-13 07:06:57
Hi Quantshare,
i've just tested your new features and they are very useful: i appraise the correlation calc for the combined trading systems.
I've a suggest for you: when i load an external Metastock database, i must add all sub-directory manually. I've a primary directory that's called "CDB" and n subdirectorys. Each subdricetorys can have m subdirectorys.
If i add "C:\CDB", i show me "CDB" and its subdirectory, for example "CDB\ALL", "CDB\BCK", "CDB\ETF", but doesn't show me the subdirectorys of each subdirectorys, for example "CDB\BCK\MSCI" ecc..
This is a problem because my data provider sometimes update the names or positions of directorys and it update directory tree, then i must delete and re-add all folder in the external Metastock database import and re-add each one.
Can you implement a sub-directory research that adds all subdirectory finded when i add the root directory?
I've attached two images of the situation: the first image shows all foleder that i added manually. I added "C:\CDB" and Quantshare added automatically the first child node sub-directory such as "C:\CDB\ETF", "C:\CDB\BCK", "C:\CDB\ALL" etc..
I added manually the directory child of ALL, ETF, BCK etc..
The second image shows what is happen when you add only the root directory ("C:\CDB"): it adds only the first childs directory of C:\CDB.
I think that is useful and helpful if it adds automatically all childs of childs at all level of CDB directory like Multicharts Quote Manager works when you add the primary (parent) directory C:\CDB.