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s walker
2017-11-27 21:48:38

I am new to the program. I am only interested in cryptocurrency and am using the cryptocompare downloader from the forum. However, when I run the downloader, it checks against all 7000+ symbols in my database. How do keep it from reviewing each symbol

CryptoCompare Daily Downloader (by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago)
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2017-11-28 06:32:53


After you open the downloader and in the "Symbols" tab, you can add conditions to select only the securities you need.
Example of use:

s walker
2017-11-28 13:25:13


thank you. that worked perfectly. however, I am missing the one major cryptocurrency - BTC. I added BTC_USD to my symbol list in the downloader but the data did not download. Also, I went to this link to learn how to debug the downloader: - and when i ran the debugger, I can see that btc_usd is in the downloader but it doesn't appear to add BTC_USD when I add the symbol to my backtesting stimulator to backtest my trading strategy

s walker
2017-11-28 13:32:40


okay. i looked again and I can chart btc_usd so that means it is definitely in my database but I can't seem to use it in my backtesting simulator. When I run it on btc_usd, there are no trades....the strategy I am using is a simple SMA crossover so there should be so trades

2017-11-30 02:57:55


You can plot your buy and sell rules on a chart to see visually if they generate signals.

For that, just edit your chart formula (right click on it then select Edit formula) then type something like:
buy = your_rule;
plot(buy, "");

Also make sure you are referring exactly the same symbol in your trading system.

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