Andrew T
2018-09-25 08:01:31
I'm having some issues with getting the code right with creating an custom indicator that can be charted and used in a screener that applies an indicator to another indicator.
Specifically, I'm trying to apply a 14-day RSI to the VIX FIX indicator of a security and then take a 25-day standard deviation of the RSI and find the resulting 25-day z-score of the standard deviation, adding it to the 252-day z-score.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
(by QuantShare,
uploaded several months ago)
No notes
2018-09-25 09:09:36
The above is not an indicator. It is a composite. Please refer to our documentation for more info about composites.
Try using the following indicator instead: Z-Score (Standard Score)
(by QuantShare,
uploaded several months ago)
No notes
Andrew T
2018-09-25 10:27:37
Thanks, I'l give that a look. Appreciate the quick response.
Andrew T
2018-09-25 10:45:03
One more question... If it's a composite then can it be applied to different tickers?
I'm trying to create an indicator that uses Williams Vix Fix (https://www.quantshare.com/item-1211-williams-vix-fix-wvf) and then applying RSI to that and then summing the z-scores of two look back periods of that standard deviation of the RSI. The end product would then be able to be used on any ticker symbol.
2018-09-26 03:54:30
A composite is a time-series that is created using several other tickers data. An index is an example of a composite.
Andrew T
2018-10-02 09:26:08
Thanks for the clarification. I'm still having trouble getting this setup as I'm not as code-savvy as I wish I was. Is there anyway help to discuss this off the forum and get some help with coding the specifics of what I'm trying to get accomplished? Once I know this is up and going I'll be ready to end my trial subscription early and setup a full paid license. I appreciate any help you can offer or if you can point me to someone who can that would be great.
Thanks again.
2018-10-04 11:29:56
Please contact support at quantshare (dot) com and explain what exactly you need.
Andrew T
2018-10-05 11:18:27
Email sent, thanks.