2019-08-29 21:49:47
I'm trying to use a filter rule that gets the series for the SPY ETF and calculates an EMA to see if the SPY is closing above it's 75 average.
spy = getseries("SPY", close);
rule1 = spy > ema(spy,75);
Is this the correct way to express it ?
Also, if I want to see this formula expressed in a pane, is this the correct way of doing it ?
symbol = "SPY";
close1 = GetSeries(symbol, close);
open1 = GetSeries(symbol, open);
high1 = GetSeries(symbol, high);
low1 = GetSeries(symbol, low);
PlotCandleStick1(open1, high1, low1, close1, symbol, colorBlack, StyleOwnScale);
PrintChart(symbol, "", BottomLeft, colorBlack, colorTransparent, colorTransparent, 255);
symbol = "SPY";
close1 = GetSeries(symbol, close);
a = Ema(close1, 75);
Plot(a, "EMA", colorBlue, chartLine, StyleWidth2);