Jakob Rehnstrom
2012-02-11 05:37:03
I'm completely new to Quantshare.
I'm trying to download quotes from Quotemedia, so I've downloaded the Quotemedia downloader plugin. I added a symbol, SKF.B:ST, and try to download quotes, and the downloader tells me that download is complete. However, there's still no quotes. What is wrong here?
2012-02-11 06:01:00
If you select the downloader, click on "Update", update the symbol in "Fields" then click on "Parser", you will see that no quotes are downloaded. It looks like this item doesn't support "Stockholm" market.
Please use the default downloader to get data. Use the following symbol: SKF-B.ST
Jakob Rehnstrom
2012-02-11 07:32:44
Is the default updater connected to Yahoo? The quality of the Yahoo data is extremely poor and I would prefer to use Quotemedia instead. Is it possible to somehow use Quotemedia instead? And how come that the Quotemedia downloader plugin only supports US stocks?
2012-02-11 07:53:41
Yes, the default updater uses Yahoo. The Quotemedia downloader was shared by one of our members. I don't know why it supports only US stocks.
If you know any other data source that allows data exporting please let me know and I will create a downloader for you.
2012-02-11 10:19:01
Best Answer
Here is your downloader:
The "value" column is simply the trading volume (close * volume)
(by QuantShare,
uploaded several months ago)
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