Few years ago, we created a post that lists several websites where you can download historical stock quotes for free. Since then, several of these data providers changed their download URL or simply stopped providing the data. Here is an updated list of ten new websites that allow you to download free historical data for U.S. stocks. AlphaVantage AlphaVantage is a leading provider of free APIs for historical and real time data on stocks, physical and crypto currencies,. All you have to do is register to get your free API then take a look at their documentation: https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/ To export historical daily quotes, here is the URL that you need to request: https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=[SYMBOL NAME] &apikey=[API KEY] You can use QuantShare to download real time historical and intraday data using the Alphavantage downloaders: Intraday Historical Data - Alphavantage Daily Historical Data - Alphavantage Financial Content Financial content is a very popular data provider that is used by several websites and companies. Here is the URL to get historical data http://markets.financialcontent.com/stocks/action/gethistoricaldata?Month=12 &Symbol=[SYMBOL NAME]&Range=300&Year=2017 Tiingo Tiingo is another data provider that allows you to download historical daily data free using their API. Documentation can be found here: https://api.tiingo.com/docs/tiingo/daily#Software And here is the API call format to retreive EOD data: https://api.tiingo.com/tiingo/daily/[SYMBOL NAME]/prices?startDate=2012-1-1 &endDate=2016-1-1 Quotemedia Quotemedia is a leading provider of financial data. It provides EOD data for US and Canadian securities via this link: http://app.quotemedia.com/quotetools/getHistoryDownload.csv?&webmasterId=501&startDay=1&startMonth=1&startYear=1900&endDay=17&endMonth=5 &endYear=2017&isRanged=true&symbol=[SYMBOL NAME] Investopedia The popular world's leading source of financial content, Investopedia, also provides historical data. You can get EOD data via this link: https://www.investopedia.com/markets/api/partial/historical/?Symbol=[SYMBOL NAME]&Type= Historical+Prices&Timeframe=Daily&StartDate=Nov+28%2C+2017&EndDate=Dec+05%2C+2017 Macrotrends Macrotrends is a research platform for long term investors. Via their website, they allow exporting data for several series including U.S. securities. Here is the URL to get this data: http://download.macrotrends.net/assets/php/stock_data_export.php?t=[SYMBOL NAME] Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal or WSJ website provides an online corverage of breaking news and current headlines from the United States and around the world. Here is the URL to export data from the WSJ website: http://quotes.wsj.com/[SYMBOL NAME]/historical-prices/download?MOD_VIEW=page &num_rows=6299.041666666667&range_days=6299.041666666667&startDate=09/06/2000 &endDate=12/05/2017 Nasdaq Website The Nasdaq official website allows you to download data for U.S. securities. To download data for APAM, browse the following URL then click on the "Download" link at the bottom: http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/apam/historical The download cannot be easily automated but here at QuantShare we have a downloader for this. You can get it here: Historical Quotes from Nasdaq Website Yahoo Finance There has been a lot of discussion about Finance Yahoo recently and how they changed their URL to prevent automatic data download. You can now download data manually from Yahoo. Example: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/IWM/history?p=IWM Then click on the "Download Data" link. Or you can use the following QuantShare downloader to get data automatically from Yahoo servers: Historical Stock Market Data Stooq Stooq is a Poland based company and a financial portal. Data download cannot be automated, however you don't have to do that since all you need is download the entire database via a simple link. Databases can be found here: https://stooq.com/db/h/ You can download data in CSV or Metastock format for several markets including U.S stocks, U.K stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, indices, macroeconomy data... Data is available in daily, hourly and 5 minutes format.
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