Jeff D
2014-01-18 11:37:40
Trying to do a conditional buy where if the stock is above its ema(20) then buy otherwise buy SPY. This works fine (buy = (res <= 1) and newmonth;) so i'm just tryning to add the ema filter.
Here are just the lines I'm not sure of:
1. Can I assign a symbol to cahs in this way?
2. Is conditional in this way feasible?
cash = "SHY";
mafilter = close > ema(20);
buy = iff(mafilter==1, (res <= 1) && newmonth, cash);
Thanks guys.
2014-01-18 11:48:12
Best Answer
It doesn't work that way.
In the trading system symbols, add one or several stocks then add SPY.
Type the following formula:
isSPY = StringEqual(Name(), "SPY");
mafilter = close > ema(20);
buy = iff(mafilter, (res <= 1) && newmonth && !isSPY, isSPY);
Jeff D
2014-01-18 13:53:09
Perfect. Thanks.
2016-02-10 20:37:25
This logic works if there are only 2 stocks SPY and the other.
How do we implement logic in a simulation of 20 positions, where in each position, it buys the stock if Condition is met, else it buys SPY for each position?
2016-02-11 02:59:27
The simulation formula is run for each security. For each run, it checks the security close price and compares it with the moving average.
So the logic works with any number of positions.
2016-06-11 08:37:11
What is "res"?
2016-06-11 10:43:04
"res" is a simple variable (like isSPy and mafilter) used by "Jeff D". He did not specify how that variable was calculated.