Josh McCormick
2020-08-18 22:25:45
As a side project, I'm downloading and analyzing some of the price data from my 401K provider. The data is in JSON format, and the fund manager requires the user to be logged into their account before their URL will provide any fund data (including price). I've got it all working, but my workflow is absolutely awful and time-consuming:
1. Log into the 401K provider's website
2. Download the 14 individual JSON files (one for each 401K fund)
3. Transfer the files to a Linux box
4. Convert the JSON price data to TXT (using 'jq')
5. Transfer the files back to the PC
6. Import the 401K price data into QuantShare with the Data --> Ascii Import tool.
I've been successful! But it is a lot of manual work. Are there any existing features or possible enhancements you'd be considering that would make this easier? Might there be some way that QuantShare's downloaders can allow the user to log into a page before retrieving data? Is it possible to directly import from (moderately complex) JSON files with the Data -> ASCII Import tool? (I didn't see any JSON options.)
Josh McCormick