2022-11-13 19:54:40
Hi Colin
My 2 cents
I guess If your not paying for data, you will need to manage your symbols. I use the ASX and every week new companies are added, companies are removed (delisted, takeovers etc) and companies change names and or Sector/Industries. Meaning once a week, I need to use the relevant web source (mainly the ASX website) to update my database.
Unless people do this a different way?? For NASD symbols, go to the NASDAQ site, then screener and you can download the entire current symbol set in a CSV which includes Sector/Industry/Country, use a spread sheet to format this for importing to Quantshare, then find the appropriate web sources for deleted/changed/new companies and manage your symbols this way.
Just curious, a question to anyone who pays for data, how do you get notified of new additions/name changes/deletions etc?