Josh McCormick
2020-08-16 20:01:46
Hello again! Related to the last question and removing and keeping certain buttons (like the area for the stock symbol and name):
When I've selected Window -> Hide Buttons, I know that I'm still able to left click once on the chart (just to set my screen focus), type in whatever symbol name I want, press [ENTER], and it loads that symbol. But I'm having problems with symbols that have non-alphanumeric characters. Specifically, dashes and equals signs. They are converted into some very odd characters which won't exist in the symbol database. If I type in "ES=F" (E-Mini S&P 500 Futures), it is converted into something like "ES>>F". "BTC-USD" is converted into something like "BTC1/2USD".
https://i.imgur.com/GxrRLxI.png https://i.imgur.com/ZVr15HW.png
I'm running Windows with standard US/English settings and a standard US keyboard. Is this a bug? Or something that I can work around?
I noticed one more character that had an issue. Typing in a Yahoo index name like "^RUT" is converted into "6RUT (as if I wasn't holding down the shift key).
Josh McCormick