2015-07-09 11:46:33
Hi, I wanted to try to download some data for some european ETF and would use Euronext site for data. Existing euronext downloaders don't seem to be working. So I've tried to build one. I can get the csv file from the url generated if I open it in the browser, but when I click on the parser button it just stays there and nothing happens, of course the download also isn't working
2015-07-10 12:57:00
"when I click on the parser button it just stays there and nothing happens"
When you click on the parser, then a url should be displayed and data downloaded from that url. If nothing happens then something is wrong with your downloader. I suggest you take a look at our CHM/PDF documentation on how to create downloaders. You can also debug and check other downloaders to learn more.
2015-07-10 18:23:56
But when I click on test it downloads the cvs file ok, so it would seem the link is good, or am I wrong?
2015-07-10 19:25:51
That test is for testing a webpage/link. It has nothing to do with the downloader.
You need to add the link to the downloader table or create it dynamically using the "URL-Script".
Please check how other downloaders are implemented.
2015-07-11 13:23:07
Hi Paulo,
You can use Euronext downloaders again (Download them again from the server). A small URL update fixed the issue.
2015-07-13 06:10:27
I appreciate your help, but still no go!!! I've tried Euronext Paris, Lisbon, tried to update symbols manually, tried to download the list of symbols from your site... I doesn't work! Only downloader I could download data was with the historical EOD... i think it's data from yahoo.
Maybe something with my installation? Man , I just wish the time I've lost trying to get data into the program was used actually trying your software!
Come on...
2015-07-13 09:16:01
Please read the item description. You need to download that list to make the downloader work. That list contains CUSIP data which is needed.
Otherwise, please just use the yahoo downloader.
Also, make sure you get the downloaders again from the sharing server
2015-07-13 09:34:21
I know that ~name2 must be the ISIN code for it to work, and I've tried both with the automatic list from quantshare and my own custom created symbols... the link generated from the URL script of the Euronext downloaders seems to be OK, when in the Update Downloader window I click Parser, if I copy and paste that link on the browser it opens the txt file with the data, but it seems to stop there as the "Next button" is always faded out. The problem seems to be with the parsing... don't know why it stops with the message:
Retry 1 Browsing Started URL :...
There is another thing I found strange, is it normal that when I launch the Quantshare app the Windows UAC is triggered stating that the program will make changes to the computer?
2015-07-13 09:38:45
And I really appreciate your effort in trying to help me... but the ability to make automatic downloaders is for me a key feature...as I won't rely much on Yahoo data!
2015-07-13 21:10:27
Please send us by email the URL that appears when you try to debug the downloader.
Also, let us know which downloader you are using.
Marcel Patek
2016-04-08 21:49:52
Did this issue get solved? I have problems with Euronext downloader as it just keeps "Starting (0%)" and nothing happens. It is Euronext Paris - Historical Quotes.
Can you post alternative link to download EOD data from Paris? I guess that it would be a custom Downloader?
Marcel Patek
2016-04-09 16:34:58
Thank you. Following description on that link helped. Unfortunately, about 10% of those stocks do not return any data. I guess that I need to download them in csv format and use ASCII import plugin to update my database manually.
2016-04-11 04:39:03
The list of symbols is updated few times a year. You can manually remove no longer existing stocks and add new ones.
Nicolas P
2017-05-30 08:33:22
Dear all,
I try to use the Euronext Paris Downloader, and I ran into the same issue : it goes to "complete" after some time, but I have nothing in my database. I also have many "Send failure"
When I use the provided link, it works perfectly fine ...
I know I can use the standard Item from Yahoo, but I think stock are much more accurante from Euronext, especially for European stocks.
Many thanks in advance.
2017-05-30 10:58:03
The item you are referring to is working well. Just checked it. It requires ISIN code to be stored in Name2 field.
Try to debug it:
Nicolas P
2017-05-30 12:23:50
Thank-you very much for this quick answer. For some reason it works now (I chose a custimized list of tickers so I directly inputed the ISIN codes).
Thank-you for the link also, it is very useful as I am very new to Quantshare.