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                                                   camirila pivot point


2010-07-03 09:49:26

can u provide camrila pivot point calculation as study on chart?

2010-07-05 06:09:44


here is the camarilla pivot points indicator:
Camarilla Pivot Points - Supports and Resistances

Camarilla Pivot Points - Supports and Resistances (by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago)
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2010-07-05 08:07:34

hi, i download this but cant understand how to use it on chart?
if you make it for chart. as cursor move on any date(bar on chart)all levels shown on upside the chart

2010-07-06 05:54:44

Here is the Camarilla Pivot Points Drawing tool:
Camarilla Pivot Points Study

After you download this drawing tool, click on "Add to bookmark panel". To use this study, double click on it (In the bookmark panel) and move your mouse over a chart.

To restore the default cursor, click on the "Select" button (Arrow button on the top).

Camarilla Pivot Points Study (by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago)
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2010-07-06 06:47:20

thank you.
but it is difficult to see levels bcoz cusor moves gap bettwen levels is very short so r1 r2.... are overlaps .what can i do now?
main part is as cursor move levels are see but on chart no change in date & open high low close. so pls. do it that if cusor move on any date level see clear & cusor as on date show its high, low, open ,close .

2010-07-07 09:06:37

You should display few quotes/bars.

I have made some changes to the drawing tool. It displays now the date, close, open, high, low and volume values.

2010-07-08 05:16:53

i download next ver. of camarilla but there is problem that in indicator panle also shows pp values insted of indicator values . second is it show only R1 & s1,pp .

2010-07-09 10:56:44

Currently it displays open, close..., pp, R1 and S1. What do you want it to display? R2, R3, R4, S2, S3 and S4?

2010-07-10 03:12:36

yes i want r2,s2.......on main chart pane. & if cusor move on indicator pane there is also show pp values insted of indicator values. e.g. chart show 30 day data & in indicator pane there is rsi indicator then
1. if i move cursor on indicator pane it show camarilla values not rsi values
2. if i move cursor on main chart bar then it show pp values but in indicator pane it show indicator value but it show last date value, not show exact date indicator value
please check out what happen if cursor move on any date (in indicator pane & in main chart pane)

* can i run this soft. without internet login?if net is not available.
what about online intra day?
thank you

2010-07-10 07:54:14

A drawing tool works only with one pane. You cannot move it in one pane and at the same time change values in another pane.

However, you can display the RSI last value in the second pane, by adding the following formula:
a = LastValue(rsi(14));
Plot(a,"Last RSI", colorRed,chartLine,styleOwnScale);

Currently, it is not possible to run the application without connecting to the server.
Intraday features will be released in few months.

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Camarilla Pivot Points - Supports and Resistances
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Camarilla Pivot Points Study

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