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USD Advance Index
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The index calculates the number of currencies that are declining compared to a given currency.

For example, if we apply the composite index to the US Dollar and we have for a particular date the following one-day rate of returns (Assuming we have only four forex pairs involving the US Dollar...

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Benchmark Expansion
by Alpha Trader, uploaded several months ago

This is an expansion and on the original which diplayed prices rather than returns. I did this 2 years ago and forgot to share.. :(

Added: Equity Cumulative, Benchmark Cumulative, and Equity OverUnder(Equity Cumulative - BM Cumulative)

----------Original--------- ...

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 Money Manag. 
Set the First Trading Bar Values to Not a Number
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The "SetNaN" function updates the first N-values of a time-series and replaces them with "NaN" (Not a number).
A "NaN" value is not drawn on a chart and it always return false when used in a trading rule.
For example, let us create a "NaN" array:
a = ref(close, 10000000000);

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Simfin Quarterly Balance Sheet Downloader
by Stefan Kroscen, uploaded several months ago

This downloader is for ingesting the free version of the SimFin+ quarterly balance sheet bulk data.
You can get the data here:
The downloader assumes that you have downloaded and unzipped the .csv file to this location: c:\temp\us-balance-quarterly.csv

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Low Risk Entry (BULLISH)
by Gilari Decosta, uploaded several months ago

Trend is friend and making an entry at low risk point in trending share minimizes the risk. Here is a watch list that filter for trending stocks and ensure that weekly trend is also up. I have used following equation to find the trending stock,being ROC is still a effective...
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 Watch List 
by, uploaded several months ago

This is a bullish trading system using momentum and trend. The Rate of Change indicator is used for momentum. Exponential and Simple moving averages are used for trend. This system is still in development. However, for AAPL it works well....
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 Trading System 
Margin Cost Simulation
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

In QuantShare, you can simulate a strategy that buys on Margin by editing the trading system, selecting the "Settings" tab, clicking on "Capital" then updating the "Margin Factor" field.
When trading U.S. stocks, you can for example set this value to 2 or you can set it to a higher number...

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 Money Manag. 
Historical EOD data for Saudi stocks
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

This item downloads historical quotes data for Saudi Arabia stocks (Tadawul Stock Exchange). It also downloads data for various indexes and sectors. (Bank and Financial services, Energy & Utilities, Hotel & Tourism, Industrial Investment, Multi-Investment, Media and Publishing, Petrochemical Industries, Real Estate Development...).

You can choose to download historical data for...

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Barchart GetQuote
by Christian, uploaded several months ago

With that downloader you can get very accurate EOD and Intraday Data from equities, futures and forex.

This downloader is using the free API function getQuote() from Barchart.

You can found a detail description here:

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T-Score of a Trading System
by GS, uploaded several months ago

For a reliable trading system this score must be > 1.68. You can use it with any of your trading system during back testing to see how good your strategy is.

This script is based on an Advanced Momey Management and to use it, after downloading, follow the steps given below:


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 Money Manag. 
Awesome Oscillator Indicator
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

The Awesome Oscillator is an indicator that measures the momentum of the market. It consists of calculating the midpoint (high minus low divided by two) and creating two moving averages based on this series. The first moving average uses a 534-bar period and it is subtracted to the second one,...
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US Financial Conditions Index
by Caleb, uploaded several months ago

The Bloomberg U.S. Financial Conditions Index is a measure of the number of standard deviations (z-score) the current financial conditions are above or below the average index value for the period of June-1994 to 2008. The index is calculated using yield spreads and indices from the Equity, Bond and Money...
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Export Indicators Data with Filtering and Column Labels Support
by Kyra Packens, uploaded several months ago

This is a small modification to 1601 by QuantShare to add support for filtering and column labels.

>>> Instructions below mostly copied from the original post >>>


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Standard Error of the Estimate of a Regression Line
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The standard error of the estimate is a measure that tells us how close our values are from the regression line. In other words, it measures the accuracy of predictions. The lower the standard error of the estimate the better the predictions are.
When applied to the close series, we can...

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Chande TrendScore By Symbol
by Stefan Kroscen, uploaded several months ago

This function is an enhancement to the chande_trendscore function added by "The Trader". You can read more about the origin, purpose and behaviour of the function here: 317

This version adds 3 enhancements to the original function.
1) It accepts a symbol as a parameter. This is desirable in conditions...

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Economic Confidence Index
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

The Economic Confidence Index is a combination of the Economic Outlook and Economic Conditions measures created by Gallup. The U.S. Economic conditions results from a rate given by Americans regarding today's economic conditions in the country, while the U.S. Economic outlook results from Americans opinion on whether economic conditions in...
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Volume * Price Momentum Oscillator
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

Volume * Price Momentum oscillator is an indicator used to determine the trend tendency using both price and volume. In fact, it acts upon the principle that the trend tendency, which is characterized here by the price variation, is stronger when the exchanged volume is higher. The indicator is based...
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S&P Earnings
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The S&P 500 Earnings is calculated by taking the 12-month earnings per share for all stocks that constitute the S&P 500. The S&P 500 is one of the most popular indexes; it tracks the performance of 500 American large-cap companies.

An increase in the S&P 500 earnings means that the biggest...

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Average Daily Return per Year/Month Table
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Using the pivot table tool of QuantShare, I have created a table that shows the average daily return of a security per month and per year. The table displays years as rows and months as columns and calculates the average daily return for every cell (year/month). The daily return is...
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 Pivot Table 
Standard Error Bands
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

Introduced by John Andersen in a September 1996 article appearing in the 'Stock and Commodities' magazine, Standard Error Bands is an envelope whose bands are obtained by the calculation of the beta and alpha coefficients of linear regression. Standard Error Bands are used to measure the strength of a trend,...
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Damping index
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

The damping index, created by Curtis McKallip Jr., is a technical analysis indicator that indentifies bars where the highs and lows are getting close and closer.
In order to do so, it calculates a simple moving average of the difference between the high and low prices using a period of 5...

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RSI Predictor
by clonex, uploaded several months ago

This Reverse Engineer RSI (RSI PREDICTOR) helps you to know what stock price must be reached in order to trigger a particular RSI value. For example, if I want to buy a stock or ETF on the close today if the RSI(2) is below 50. How do I know...
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Relative Performance against a Group of Stocks
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The equity symbols function returns the relative value of a group of securities. It gets a list of securities separated by semi-colons.

This indicator (EquitySymbols) can be used for example to calculate the relative performance of a stock against a group of other stocks.

Formula: (Right click on a chart then "Edit...

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DeMark DeMarker Trading Rules
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

A list of trading rules using the DeMark's DeMarker indicator. This list consists of 6 QuantShare trading rules and each one of them has 20 variations which bring the total to 120 trading rules.

I have backtested this list again a small portion of US Stock Symbols, and come up with...

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Chande's TrendScore
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

In September 1993 edition of the 'Stock & Commodities' magazine, Tushar Chande introduced the Chande's Trendscore indicator. This indicator main role is to determine the direction and strength of the market trend. To do so, it compares the close price to previous close prices over a period of 20 bars....
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Average Maximum Drawdown
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The average maximum drawdown is a rules analyzer metric described in the following post: The average maximum drawdown metric . It calculates the maximum drawdown (the maximum an output can lose) of each symbol or security output and then averages the result.

If you are analyzing for example a list...

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 Rule Metrics 
CNX 100 Weightage
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The CNX 100 index consists of 100 diversified stocks. The index represents more than 70% of the free float market capitalization and it covers 35 sectors of the economy.
The index base date is Jan 1, 2003; the base value is 1000 points.
CNX 100 used to be calculated using a market...

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Trading System based on the Previous Week SPY Return
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

This strategy enters a position in the S&P 500 Index (SPY or ^GSPC) when previous week return is negative (Return is calculated based on Monday open price and Friday close price), the trade is closed at the end of the week on Friday. No stop rules are defined.

The trading system...

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 Trading System 
Technical Analysis Continuation Pattern: Ascending Triangle Indicator
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

A well known bullish formation and continuation pattern called the ascending triangle occurs during an uptrend and is constituted of two trend lines where the first one is a resistance line (horizontal line) and the second one connects two or more troughs.

In technical analysis, the ascending triangle formation is visually...

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NSE - Short Selling
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

The National Stock Exchange of India website reports Short Selling volume for NSE-listed companies. The data spans from 2008 to present. The current item downloads this short selling data and stores it into a custom database. The database (nse_shortselling) is automatically created the first time you download the data. It...
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Fixed Risk per Trade - Position Sizing
by Juliettpapa, uploaded several months ago

This MM script uses three variables to control the amount to invest per trade and the portfolio risk:
1. Stop loss %: the stop loss in % for a single trade
2. Risk per trade: how many % of your trading capital you want to risk in a single trade.
3. Max. risk:...

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 Money Manag. 
Translation into Binary Buy/Sell
by swalk10, uploaded several months ago

Demonstrates basic function of translating into binary buy/sell
parameter 1 - Threshold for buy signal
parameter 2 - # of Days lookback

Michael + Scott Walker ...

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SIX Swiss Exchange - Historical quotes
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

The SIX Swiss Exchange offers the access to historical quotes data for Swiss companies on their website. The data are grouped by date and by type. It is available in CSV or ZIP format.

This item downloads the data that are stored under the Swiss Blue Chip Shares, Mid & Small...

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Entry Trailing Stop V2
by Christian, uploaded several months ago

This script is simulating a trailing stop limit buy/sell order with exact levels.

With the first parameter you can adjust the distance of the limit entry in percent based on the last high (long order) or low (short order) and with an second parameter you can setup the valid time of...

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 Money Manag. 
ATR Trailing Indicator
by Ivan, uploaded several months ago

ATR trailing indicator shows trailing support/ressistent levels.
Very nice in tranding environment.
You can change Sma in loss calculation to Ema/Wma...
if it better fullfill your requirements - I didn't know how to
implement it as parameter :-( ...

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Hull Moving Average - HMA
by Mark Peterson, uploaded several months ago

The Hull Moving Average (HMA/HullMovingAvg) is a Moving Average/Study created by Allan Hull and described in his book Active Investing.

When adding the indicator to a chart, buy and sell signals are generated (represented by line color changes and buy/sell arrows) base upon a change in line slope (Positive Slope...

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Camarilla Pivot Points - Supports and Resistances
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Using yesterday's open, high, low and close price, the camarilla pivot points, also known as camarilla equation, creates 9 levels; one pivot level, 4 resistance levels and 4 support levels.
The camarilla equation was discovered in 1989 by Nick Stott, a bond trader. The support and resistance levels can be used...

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Mexican Stock Exchange - Bolsa Mexicana de Valores
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

The Mexican Stock Exchange, Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV), is the only stock exchange in the Mexican Stock Market. It is located in Mexico City and is a public company owned by its members. The exchange trades stocks, warrants, mutual funds and debt instruments (Federal Treasury certificates - CETES, Federal...
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RSI methodology with profit/trade GT 0%
by Brian, uploaded several months ago

Investopedia defines oversold as
1. A condition in which the price of an underlying asset has fallen sharply, and to a level below which its true value resides. This condition is usually a result of market overreaction or panic selling.

2. A situation in technical analysis where the price of an asset...

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 Watch List 
AGNC Trading System
by Pavel, uploaded several months ago

This system is a very frequent trading system. The basic is as follows:

1. The system purchases stocks at the limit price based on the previous day.

2. If the trade is executed, the stock will be sold at the limit price of high the following day. If...

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 Trading System 
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... - Next

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