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Ivey PMI Index - Canada
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

The Ivey PMI or Ivey Purchasing Managers Index is a result of a survey sponsored by the Richard Ivey School of Business and the Purchasing Management Association of Canada. The survey involves 175 participants. The purchasing managers are carefully selected among different regions and sectors (public and private) to match...
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Export Indicators Data
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Instead of downloading data like any other downloader, this item allows you to export any indicator data for any securities and for a specific period.

All you have to do is install this item, open it in the downloader manager (Download -> Download Manager) then:
- Select "Start & End Dates" tab...

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TTF - The Trend Trigger Factor Indicator
by clonex, uploaded several months ago

The Trend Trigger Factor Indicator is similar to the RSI Indicator. This indicator was originally used to trade and and analyze price movements in the stock exchange and commodities market.The TTF is used as a trend identification indicator. It uses an n number of price periods to calculate the direction...
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Trading System Based on the CloseHL Percent Rank Oscillator
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

Yesterday, I have shared an indicator called 1080. Today, I am sharing a trading system based on it.

Although, the different backtest reports of this trading system show great results, with an annualized return often higher than 40% and a Sharpe ratio above 0.8, the drawdown is still high and...

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 Trading System 
Saudi Stock Market
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

Tadawul is the Saudi Arabia unique stock exchange.
The Saudi stock market is the biggest market in the Arab world by market capitalization. The stock market capitalization exceeds the 55 billion US dollars.

Only people belonging to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are allowed to invest in the Saudi Arabia...

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Random Bar Value
by MikeMM, uploaded several months ago

Unlike the default Random built-in function of QuantShare which returns a fixed random value of all bars, this function returns a random value for each trading bar.

a = RandomBar(0, 100); // Returns a random value between 0 and 100

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Bursa Malaysia
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The Bursa Malaysia is a stock exchange based on Malaysia. It was formerly known as the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, but in 2004, this exchange becomes a demutualised exchange and it was renamed to Bursa Malaysia. Bursa Malaysia is a fully integrated exchange; it offers trading, clearing, settlement and depository...
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Relative Performance Chart - Dynamic assets and index
by Alexander Horn, uploaded several months ago

This function creates a chart with different plots usefull for asset allocation / rotation systems as an update to 1005 :

1. Pane: Relative performance of assets indexed dynamically to first visible date on chart, e.g. changes when scrolling chart
2. Pane: Trend indicator of different assets based on custom indicator and...

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S&P 500 - Price to earnings ratio
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The S&P 500 Price to Earnings Ratio is the average PER (Price to Earnings ratio) of the 500 stocks that compose the S&P 500 Index. The P/E ratios are based on trailing 12-month earnings, and they are reported quarterly with one-quarter lag due to reporting.

The Price earnings ratio is simply...

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NSE Stock Quotes
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

This item no longer works.

You can use the following downloader instead: 463 ...

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Major News - Stocks trading on US Markets
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

Every day, several stocks are impacted by major news. These news can substantially move higher or lower the stock price of the company it is about.

Every day, a list of stocks that are hit by major news is available on the Finviz website. This list of ticker symbols is downloaded...

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All-Star Traders Outperform/Underperform Picks for US Stocks
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

In the rating system of the Motley Fool, each member predicts if a stock is going to outperform or underperform the S&P 500 Index in a given timeframe and based on these predictions a score or CAPS rating is given to each stock. The higher the CAPS rating is the...
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Analyst comments
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

This downloader gets analyst comments from an RSS feed at the and insert the extracted data into your local database. The 'analyst_comments' database that will be created contains two columns, the date and the title. The title column will contain the analyst comments for a particular stock, and the...
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Treasury Yield Curve Spreads Indicator
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The next chart display different treasury yield curves for different maturities:


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Producer Price Index - PPI
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

The Producer Price Index, PPI, is an economic indicator and a price index that measures the average change in the selling prices received by producers (domestic) for their output. Products and some services prices are included in the PPI (Imports are not included).

The Producer Price Index, previously known as the...

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NORMINV - Inverse of the Normal Cumulative Distribution
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

NORMINV function is the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for a specified standard deviation and mean. The normal probability density and the cumulative normal distribution can be calculated using the following function: 1041.

This function finds the z value given the probability that a value or variable is within a...

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SIX Swiss Exchange
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

The SIX Swiss Exchange is part of the SIX Group. The exchange is based in Zürich and it is the principal stock exchange in Switzerland. Securities like bonds, ETFs and derivatives are also traded in this exchange. The exchange is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The normal trading session...
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Pullback to EMA 20 during Downtrend
by Kelvin, uploaded several months ago

Screens stocks using Ketlner's Channel and MACD histogram slope.
I screen for a NEGATIVE MACD Histogram slope below the 0 reference line to prevent being too late for the pullback.
Filters stock that either have it's close lower than the -2 ATR or has a price rejection candle with the low greater...

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Bull Call Spread
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

A bull call spread strategy involves buying a call option of an underlying stock and at the same time selling or writing a call option on the same underlying stock and with the same expiration date. The unique difference between these two call options is that the sold call option...
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Maximum Intraday System Drawdown
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

This is the Maximum Intraday System Drawdown money management script.


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 Money Manag. 
US Financial Conditions Index
by Caleb, uploaded several months ago

The Bloomberg U.S. Financial Conditions Index is a measure of the number of standard deviations (z-score) the current financial conditions are above or below the average index value for the period of June-1994 to 2008. The index is calculated using yield spreads and indices from the Equity, Bond and Money...
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Profile Count Per Month
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

This function is an example that shows you how to use the "plotprofile" function of QuantShare.

Each month, it splits the stock's high/low range into ten buckets then counts the number of times the analyzed stock has closed within that bucket. The higher the bucket value, the more the stock closed...

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Put Call Volume Comparison Indicator
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

357 is a trading object I have uploaded few months ago. It downloads options put and call volume for each US stock. It gets the data from the Options Clearing Corporation - OCC - website and stores it in a custom database.

The Put Call Volume Comparison Indicator uses this data...

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Longterm Investments
by srishail, uploaded several months ago

This screens the quotes which are in continuous up trend .This screen i did on indian quotes which has given me very good results. Soon i am sharing the chart layout of the same which is fexible just you change the parameters as per your need. I HAVE CREATED LOT...
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chande moethan 1
by srishail, uploaded several months ago

best watchlist created ,tested on indian market try it u will get more profts....
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 Watch List 
Kaufman's Efficiency Ratio (Fractal Efficiency)
by saratur, uploaded several months ago

Kaufman's Efficiency Ratio (Fractal Efficiency)

The Efficiency Ratio (ER) was initially described by Perry Kaufman in his book Smarter Trading. This same indicator also became known as Fractal Efficiency.
This ratio measure the efficiency of a trend by dividing the net price movement over a certain time period by the...

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Weighted Linear Regression, Slope
by Christian Rendel, uploaded several months ago

This function calculates the slope of the Weighted Linear Regression.

The Weighted Linear Regression Is an extension of the standard Linear Regression, where a weight is added to each of the points.

It can be used to calculate the linear regression of the closing prices by considering the volume traded on each...

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Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model formula
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

This is a custom formula that calculates the put and call prices of European style options.

This Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model function accepts six parameters.
The first parameter is used to specify whether we want to calculate a put or a call, set 'p' for put and 'c' for call.
The others parameters...

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Multi TimeFrame RSI
by clonex, uploaded several months ago

Intraday RSI multitimeframe rules based based on intraday data.
There are 4 basic rules:



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Individual Stocks Put and Call Volume
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

The OCC, which stands for Options Clearing Corporation, is the world largest equity derivatives clearing organization. The OCC was founded in 1973 and it is under the jurisdiction of the CFTC, Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission.
One of the OCC role is to clear transactions...

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Per Trade SQN100
by Dave Walton, uploaded several months ago

Calculates the SQN100 (see work of Dr. Van Tharp) as if the per position "Output" is the trade result. This is different from the other rules analyszer metric named SQN in that the sample standard deviation calculation is used vs. the built-in Standard deviation. The result of...
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 Rule Metrics 
Number of Stocks Making a new 52-Week Low - Market Indicator
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The 52-week low indicator calculates the total number of stocks making new 52-week lows (Stocks at their lowest level in one-year period) per day. The market indicator that measures the number of stocks making 52-week highs is available here: 939.

The 52-week high and 52-week low indicators can be used together...

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Nasdaq 100
by saratur, uploaded several months ago

Nasdaq 100 Constituents as of 1/20/2011...
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ADS Business Conditions Index
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

The Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti (ADS) business conditions index is a market indicator that uses several economic indicators to track business conditions. The indicator is updated each time one of these economic indicators is released.

The indictors used to construct the ADS Index are:
Personal income less transfer payments
Industrial Production ...

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Daily US Stocks Data
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

There are two ways to download EOD quotes. Downloading data by symbol (one request for each symbol) or downloading data by date (one request for each trading day).

If you are downloading data for few stocks, the first solution should be more appropriate for you. However, if like me you are...

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Choose function
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The 'Choose' function is a small piece of code that returns a vector given an index. The function accepts six parameters, the first one is the index and it is used to select one the next five parameters. The others parameters accept any numeric vectors.

a = rsi(14);
b = rsi(14) >...

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Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Alma is a moving average developed by Arnaud Legoux & Dimitris Kouzis-Loukas. It uses curve of the normal distribution (Gauss) which can be updated using the offset parameter.

This technical indicator has four paramters:
Series: Timeseries to use for the moving average
Window: Lookback period

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Ocean Tomo Patent Indexes EOD data
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

Use this item to download historical quotes data for the Ocean Tomo Patent Indexes. The data spans from 2007 to present.

The Ocean Tomo Patent Index was developed by Ocean Tomo, LLC. It provides a market benchmark for the U.S. economy. This economy has seen an increase in intangible assets relatively...

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EURUSD Long Positions Ratio
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

The Forex long-short positions ratio is a measure of the number of long positions to the number of short positions taken by currency traders. It is a quantitative measure of the bullishness or bearishness of Forex investors and it can be used as a trading rule or in a trading...
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InSync Index - Consensus Trading Indicator
by Caleb, uploaded several months ago

The InSync Index is a consensus oscillator created in 1995 by Norm North. A consensus oscillator is an indicator that generates an output using the value of many other trading indicators.

The InSync Index is calculated by summing several technical analysis indicators including the Bollinger Bands, Moving average convergence/divergence, Commodity channel...

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