Vivek A. Shah
2011-09-26 10:37:41
Hello Sir,
I have re-installed Windows XP on my computer because my earlier installation was corrupted. So, my Quantshare application was installed on Drive C & now I have installed Windows XP on Drive D & all the data of the Drive C are as it is including C Trading Folder in Drive C. Kindly tell me that what should I do now to run application without losing any data.
Kindly help me out on the same.
Thank you.
2011-09-26 14:01:21
Simply copy the QuantShare folder to the new location
Vivek A. Shah
2011-09-26 15:38:15
Should I copy it to the D Drive?
If yes than I need to install the Quantshare to D Drive & how can I install it to D Drive?
2011-09-27 03:05:32
Best Answer
Copy the whole directory to drive D then run QuantShare from this drive
Vivek A. Shah
2011-09-27 10:05:18
I copied the C trading folder to Drive D but when I press Installer OR Quantshare Application Start button error comes that, Application Failed To initialize properly. Kindly help me out on the same.
2011-09-27 10:36:09
You should copy the whole directory. Example: C:\Program Files\CTrading\QuantShare
Please send a message and the exact error message to support@quantshare.com
Gilari Decosta
2011-10-20 23:20:52
Just copy the folder to new drive , open the CTrading folder,select the Icon of Quantshare.exe and make a shortcut of it on desktop.Now you can start the QS using it