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                                                   Export to CSV the whole database including symbols

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2013-04-29 18:27:13


Don't forget to choose the "Intraday" database

2013-05-01 06:55:42


I know how to do that. But, I want to use a script to export "all" the data in the database for the one stock. Using the select feature of the database only lets you export one day at a time for min data. I want to export" all" the days with one command forintraday data.

Thank you.

2013-05-01 10:09:17


Using the script editor, to export only one symbol, replace the following line:

Symbol[] symbols = Symbols.GetSymbols();


Symbol[] symbols = new Symbol[1] { Symbols.GetSymbol("GOOG") }; // Replace "GOOG" by any ticker symbol

Or by

Symbol[] symbols = new Symbol[1] { Symbols.GetSymbol(Charts.GetSelectedChart().SymbolName) };

To export data for the selected chart symbol

2013-07-20 19:59:30


I'm using your example from above, but getting a runtime null-pointer exception error "Object reference not set to instance of an object". From a little testing, seems like the GetDatabasesData call is failing and the DatabasesData object is null. I do have the custom database earnings_cal downloaded and I can view it correctly. Any ideas?

Symbol[] symbols = Symbols.GetSymbols();
System.Text.StringBuilder text = new System.Text.StringBuilder("");
for(int i=0;i < symbols.Length;i++)
Symbol sym = symbols[i];
DatabasesData data = Databases.GetDatabasesData(sym.Name, "Custom", "earnings_cal");
for(int j=0;j < data.Value.Length;j++)
double year = data.Date[j].Year;
if(year >= 2000 && year <= 2004) // Specify Period of data exporting
text.AppendLine(sym.Name + ";" + data.Date[j].ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ";" + data.Value[j].ToString());

System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"c:\quotes.csv", text.ToString());

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Earnings database (by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago)
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2013-07-20 22:36:16


Hi Benn,

"GetDatabasesData" function gets the following parameters: Symbol Name, Database Name and Field Name

So the correct syntax should be:
DatabasesData data = Databases.GetDatabasesData(sym.Name, "earnings_cal", "[A FIELD NAME IN THE EARNING CAL DATABASE]");

2013-10-30 16:51:08


Its mind-blowing how a huge database is exported at such lightning speed! May i request one small modification to export only the data for the last trading day of the symbol. If the database has symbols whose last update was years back, it will take those final dates and those which are current will be exported with today's data.

I know that the last date's data for multiple symbols can be created and exported through the screener. But the fields in my custom database has text data (type String).

Also, the script discussed shows downloading one field from the custom database. How can we add more fields?

2013-10-31 19:12:06


To get data for a specific date, you can replace these lines:

double year = data.Date[j].Year;
if(year >= 2000 && year <= 2004)


double year = data.Date[j].Year;
double month = data.Date[j].Month;
double day = data.Date[j].Day;
if(day == 30 && month == 10 && year == 2013)

To get data for multiple fields, just add a new instruction (Databases.GetDatabasesData) to get field's data then append this data in the "text.AppendLine(" line.

2013-10-31 21:01:57


Thanks. What I needed was the data on the last date of the symbol which can be different for various symbols.

2013-11-08 19:26:32


Remove the date check code I referred in the previous email then replace:

for(int j=0;j < data.Value.Length;j++)


for(int j=data.Value.Length - 1;j < data.Value.Length;j++)

2014-05-16 23:19:43


I was running into memory exceptions when trying to export a very large database. A slight adjustment to the original script fixes the problem:

text.AppendLine(sym.Name + ", " + data.Date[j].ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ", " + data.Value[j].ToString());
System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"c:\allQuotes.csv", text.ToString());
text.Length = 0;
text.Capacity = 0;

By changing the file Write to an Append, moving "System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"c:\allQuotes.csv", text.ToString());" inside the final parenthesis, and then clearing the text.Length and text.Capacity values - the file will be written to after each symbol and memory usage will stay low. Hope this helps someone.

2014-05-17 18:25:49


Thanks a lot for this fix.

2017-01-23 21:59:34


I am using the script to export data for last date for all the symbols. I have added one more field for previous close as quotes.Close[j-1]. It gives the error 'index was outside the bounds of the array''; may be because there are symbols which may have data only for one day. How to bypass this?

2017-01-24 02:59:05


In the loop, you need to start with j = 1

for(int j=1;j < data.Value.Length;j++)

2017-03-25 09:34:29


How should I modify the script to export just a set of symbols associated with a specific index ?

Thanks !

2017-03-27 04:09:21


You need to update the first line and select a specific symbols filter. You can create one using (Symbol -> Symbols View)

Then use:
Symbol[] symbols = Symbols.GetSymbols("filter name", "");

2017-03-27 18:02:19


That worked !

Thank you !

2017-12-23 13:21:16


So to export a custom DB, the following defines the custom DB field to export...

DatabasesData data = Databases.GetDatabasesData(sym.Name, "earnings_cal", "[A FIELD NAME IN THE EARNING CAL DATABASE]");

What if the custom DB has 4 columns you wish to export, is that possible to export several/all columns OR can this only be done for a single custom DB column?

2017-12-24 04:10:16


You would need to make four calls to "Databases.GetDatabasesData" each one with a different field name.

2017-12-24 07:53:35


Can you help with that syntax? Would they be new/seperate objects as in....

DatabasesData data1 = Databases.GetDatabasesData(sym.Name, "divcalendar", "dividend");
DatabasesData data2 = Databases.GetDatabasesData(sym.Name, "recorddate", "dividend");

2017-12-25 04:23:11


Yes but you need to switch "divcalendar/recorddate" with "dividend". The syntax is Symbol, Database, Field.

After that you can change the "text.AppendLine" to something like:
text.AppendLine(sym.Name + ";" + data.Date[j].ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ";" + data1.Value[j].ToString() + ";" + data2.Value[j].ToString());

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