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U.S. Stock Market

by QuantShare, 5257 days ago
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This U.S. Stock Market item contains a list of symbols of U.S stocks. These US companies are listed in the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, OTCBB (Over the Counter Bulletin Board) and the Pink Sheets.
Symbol names of companies that trade in the OTCBB end with '.OB', while symbol names of companies that trade in the Pink Sheets end with '.PK'. You can use Yahoo EOD historical quotes to download historical end-of-day quotes of these stocks; you can also use Quotemedia Historical Quotes as an alternative.

This list contains 9463 ticker symbols; almost all of them are still active. For delisted/non-active stocks, there is a separate list of symbols (US delisted symbols) and there is also a specific EOD data downloader (Historical Quotes for Delisted US Stocks).

News data for these US stocks can be retrieved by one of these downloaders: Smartmoney news for US equities, News data for US companies from Google RSS feed, Yahoo News.

Here is a list of some other text data downloaders: (U.S. Stock Market)
Earnings Whispers: Whisper Report
Insider Trading Data
Stock repurchase plans (Buybacks)
Insiders' Blog stories
Analyst comments
SocialPicks Analysis
Insider trading data
Recent mergers and acquisitions
Analyst downgrades & upgrades

These are some of the items that let you download Fundamental data for the U.S. Stock Market:
Ownership data for US companies item retrieves Ownership data for US stocks.
The Valuation ratios for US stocks item downloads 13 valuation ratios.
The Financial fundamental data for US companies item downloads 12 financial data for more than 6000 U.S. companies.
History of dividend payment for stocks in the US stock market allows you to create an historical database of dividend payments made by US companies.
Short Selling Data downloads historical short selling data for the U.S. Stock Market. You can also get this data for specific exchanges using the following items: NYSE Arca - Daily short sale data, NASDAQ and Boston stock exchanges - Daily short sale data, Short Selling historical data, NSX - Daily short selling data.
Fails to deliver - Reported by the SEC gets fails-to-deliver data reported to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission - SEC.
NYSE Margin Debt item gets the margin debt, the free credit cash accounts and the credit balances in margin accounts data from the NYSE website.
Earnings database item creates an earning database for the U.S. Stock Market.
The Stock Market Capitalization object gets market capitalization data.

All these listed items create and store data in custom databases. These databases are created automatically and can be used for charting, screening and backtesting.

There are much more items about the U.S. Stock Market that you can get on the QuantShare server.

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Type: List of Symbols

Object ID: 351

United States

Market: Stock Market


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